Your exotic car deserves nothing but the best
Move your exotic cars with care and precision. Best Global Logistics specializes in customized international logistics services for transporting your precious vehicles across borders and continents.
Fueling the future with Electric Vehicles (EVs)
Moving towards a greener future has become a necessity, and one of the ways to achieve this is by adopting Electric Vehicles (EVs).
Project: Ship spares from Dubai to Rotterdam
Onboard ship spares lashing has emerged as a reliable and efficient alternative, providing a secure method for transporting heavy lift items while ensuring the stability of the vessel.
Ready. Set. Breakbulk.
Best Global Logistics Dubai provides tailored logistics solutions for breakbulk cargo shipping, including heavy, oversized, and bulky cargo.
Project: Dragheads from Jebel Ali to Rotterdam
We have been awarded to move two dragheads from Jebel Ali to Rotterdam. With the support of Hapag Lloyd, we have successfully moved the shipment without any delay to our valuable customer.
Project: LNG Tank from India to Portugal
Moving an urgently required LNG Tank from Kandla, India to Setubal, Portugal during Christmas needed a swift, reliable, and competitive solution. BGL Projects turned to the chartering market to find the best solution.
Massive modules for LNG project
When the world’s first operating Floating Liquified Natural Gas (FLNG) vessel was being built, BGL was one of the few to be involved.
Verdens første FLNG
Når verdens første operasjonelle flytende anlegg for å produksjon av naturgass (Floating Liquefied Natural Gas – FLNG) ble bygd, var BGL en av de viktige leverandørene til prosjektet.
Bevis av vårt engasjement
Kjenn kundene like godt som dine beste venner. BGL tar forholdet til kundene seriøst. Dette er ikke noe vi bare snakker om, det utvises i det daglige arbeidet.
Juleartikler fra Kina
Vi mottok en ordre om å transportere en stor forsendelse av juleartikler fra Asia til Nederland. Punktlig levering var høy viktighet ettersom varene måtte distribueres til ulike butikker og hagesentre i Europa i god tid før jul.