Update on the Ukraine conflict
BGL is closely monitoring on developments concerning the situation in Ukraine. We will assist our customers as the conflict progresses in addressing any negative effects on their supply chains. BGL expects that the recent developments in Ukraine will impose significant operational and capacity limitations across all modes of transport on the entire region, including Russia.
Chinese New Year – Market Update IV
Due to recent COVID outbreaks and quarantine restrictions between China’s provinces, the demand for returning home is expected to be lower than in previous years. Some factories shut their production earlier to allow staff to travel to their home town with a sufficient quarantine period.
Press release: Global Transport Solutions (GTS Group) acquires Skytruck Forwarders in Singapore
Global Transport Solutions, a logistics service provider specialized in marine- and time-critical logistics, has acquired Skytruck Forwarders, a marine logistics specialist in Singapore and trusted partner to Best Global Logistics and Marinetrans for decades.
Best Global Logistics gaat samenwerking aan met Air France KLM Martinair Cargo voor het Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) programma
Best Global Logistics en Air France KLM Martinair Cargo gaan een samenwerking aan voor de lancering van de eerste koolstofarme luchtvrachtroute in de wereldwijde expeditie van scheepsonderdelen.
Best Global Logistics start samenwerking met Lessgo om CO2-uitstoot te reduceren in 2021
BGL kondigt vandaag met trots aan dat het een samenwerking is aangegaan met Lessgo. Lessgo is prominent aanwezig in de groene, duurzame transportwereld.
Chinese New Year – Market update week 5
It is now getting to a critical point for shipping where CNY break is right are the corner, getting trucking arrangement done in the first week of February become exhausting. More and more trucking companies stopped accepting new trucking jobs from this week, drivers and a great number of the workers are heading to their hometowns as from 28 December 2020, to start 2021’s Chunyun (春运).
Chinese New Year – Market update week 4
Currently, SJW (Shijiazhuang) airport is temporarily closed for operation due to COVID-19. Hebei province and Beijing city are on top of the watch list due to the outbreak situation, vehicles from Hebei province will be suggested to reroute, to avoid getting into or bypassing Beijing area.
Best Global Logistics leases 5.500 sqm in AMS Cargo Center II
BGL has signed a lease agreement per May 1st comprising in total 4.400 sqm warehouse with 1.100 sqm office in AMS Cargo Center II at Schiphol Logistics Park.