Sustainability at Best Global Logistics

Our responsibility extends beyond providing high-quality logistics solutions.

We align our services, practices and partnerships around a single mission — to encourage sustainable logistics.

Commitment to sustainability

At BGL, we believe it is our responsibility to contribute to a carbon-free future. This means we make decisions and take steps to reduce the impact of our business operations on the environment. 

We employ practices that reduce CO2 emissions and increase the sustainability of our supply chain.

Let's take the green steps together

As a global freight forwarder, we continuously strive to improve productivity through collaboration with our valued partners in the supply chain. 

We want to improve the predictability of goods flow for customers and implement innovative solutions while minimizing our negative environmental impact. 

Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Report

Integrating ESG factors in our business operations is a crucial aspect that we recognize as an ethical obligation and a key driver of long-term success.

This report highlights our continuous efforts to integrate ESG principles into our business strategy and our progress towards building a more sustainable future. As a responsible and forward-thinking organization, we recognize the importance of transparency and accountability in achieving our sustainability goals. We remain dedicated to promoting sustainable practices and contributing to the global effort to create a more sustainable environment.

BGL Going Green

Because we connect businesses and individuals all over the world, it is important for us to think green and act sustainable. Our Going Green mission is centered on achieving specific goals and converting them into commitments.

1. Developing sustainable solutions

Efficient and effective global consolidation of shipments
As a global forwarder, we are dedicated to efficiently organizing transportation and making efficient use of all available transportation capacity.

Improving our paperless operational processes
Despite the transportation industry is a traditional one that places a high value on paper documents, it is evolving, and digital solutions are becoming more widely available.

Separating waste and only working with green power suppliers
Separating waste and contracting with green power suppliers is important for two reasons: it is better for the environment and it is handled properly.

Providing biodegradable, shrink-wrapped packages to our customers
When pelletizing or repackaging shipments, we make use of reusing packaging materials and sustainable packaging materials.

Investing in safe handling and storage of hazardous materials
Hazardous materials can endanger the environment and people if they are not handled properly. We invest time and resources in improving the knowledge of those who work on dangerous goods (DG) shipments.

2. Client pilots by using electric vehicles

Investing in electric mobility
We are proud of our valuable partners, with whom we can collaborate to implement sustainable logistics solutions that will allow us to establish electric vehicle transportation.

More efficiently and effectively
Alternative modes of transportation and multimodal logistics solutions are always on our watchlist.

3. Joining airline sustainable bio-fuel programs​

Committed to green logistics
Transitioning from fossil fuels to biofuels is a top priority for commercial aviation’s future. When compared to fossil fuels, biofuel can reduce carbon emissions by up to 80%.

4. Customized CO2 reporting

Consider BGL Going Green and act sustainable
The goal is to look back at the steps we’ve taken to improve our environmental performance and see how well they worked. We’ll keep track of CO2 emissions while transporting goods on behalf of our customers.

Carbon offsetting

We launched a Carbon Offset Program to assist customers calculate and offset their COemissions, with the goal of providing more sustainable transport through dedicated partners. We will offset all direct COemissions and are aiming to create a positive climate movement by 2030 and subsequent years, we set high standards and choose projects based on environmental benefits.


Measuring our performance

We closely monitor, measure, analyze, and improve our compliance with service level requirements, quality procedures, and environmental management systems. 

We assist in providing carbon footprint reports based on the shipped shipments. A detailed report will be generated for each mode of transport, including stopovers, pre-carriage and on-carriage.

This document serves as a guide for calculating CO2 emissions from transportation (air, sea and road freight).

Carbon emission calculation (57 KB)

International Standards

While carrying out business activities, we strive to provide a high level of services to our customers, minimize negative impacts on the environment, and provide a good workplace to our staff. We have, therefore, designed and implemented management systems in accordance with the NEN-EN-ISO standards 9001:2015 Quality, 14001:2015 Environment, and 45001:2018 Occupational Health & Safety, which we further describe below. We are dedicated to continuously improving our working methods and outputs.

The ISO 9001:2015 standard focuses on complying with the requirements of stakeholders and improving customer satisfaction. Methods for this include optimizing processes, monitoring and measuring, and meeting legal requirements. Implementing this standard helped us to offer customers the best possible products and services, with a focus on quality and true customer value.

The ISO 14001:2015 standard helps the organization improve environmental performance by enhancing data and insight, using resources efficiently, and strengthening collaboration with partners in the supply chain. We are committed to implementing sustainable business practices and protecting the environment by reducing our environmental footprint.

The ISO 45001:2018 standard focuses on ensuring a safe and healthy working environment for employees and stakeholders by identifying risks, taking measures to control them, and protecting the health and well-being of everyone involved in the supply chain. We are committed to improving working conditions across the organization and beyond.

"Through innovative tailor-made solutions, ambitious programs, and reliable business practices, we strive to deliver Going Green logistics for our world.''

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) at a glance

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Dedication to sustainable development

BGL is actively involved in promoting the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). A total of 17 SDGs are included in the UN 2030 agenda. We will continue to work toward achieving the SDGs and will develop new activities to fulfill our global social responsibility.

We are currently pursuing the following SDGs through our business practices:


Working together will allow us to have a better positive impact on the world. With our valuable partners, we share knowledge, expertise and most importantly, we learn from each other.

Going Green partner since 2021
Going Green partner since 2022
Going Green partner since 2021