Siste nytt om frakt markedet – Suez-kanalen og mulige konsekvenser

Som de aller fleste har fått med seg har denne uken containerskipet MV Ever Given grunnstøtt i Suez-kanalen, og dermed blokkert kanalen for all trafikk. Skipet var på vei til Rotterdam i Nederland og drives av det taiwanske shippingselskapet «Evergreen». Skipet kom ut av kurs som følge av vanskelige vindforhold.

Chinese New Year – Market update week 5

It is now getting to a critical point for shipping where CNY break is right are the corner, getting trucking arrangement done in the first week of February become exhausting. More and more trucking companies stopped accepting new trucking jobs from this week, drivers and a great number of the workers are heading to their hometowns as from 28 December 2020, to start 2021’s Chunyun (春运).

Chinese New Year – Market update week 4

Currently, SJW (Shijiazhuang) airport is temporarily closed for operation due to COVID-19. Hebei province and Beijing city are on top of the watch list due to the outbreak situation, vehicles from Hebei province will be suggested to reroute, to avoid getting into or bypassing Beijing area.

Update Corona virus – BGL Contingency plan

Dear customer, in response to the Corona virus outbreak, we would like to give you an update of the current situation and the consequences. The situation continues to evolve but BGL is well prepared for the challenging task ahead and remains strongly committed to mitigate the potential impact on our customers supply chains.